Happy Monday!! And what a happy Monday it is I have to start by saying that this weekend was the most amazing weekend yet!! Promise to share more later :):) but until then, are all of our peeps out there getting geared up for wedding season?? Alea and I are for sure!! And to kick it off with a huge HELLO, we are ecstatic to share Claire and Robert!!
A few weekends ago we all picked up shop and traveled down south!! We do get to visit all of our friends in Savannah and St.Simons several times a year, but I think this might have been our first trip to Brunswick in a while!!! And WOW!! What an awesome wedding! Their ceremony was so meaningful and beautiful and the rest of the evening just blew us away!! The reception was held at the the most incredible bed and breakfast, the Brunswick Manor. There were so many unique little details EVERYWHERE we looked! Some belonged to the house and some belonged to Claire and Robert but the combination of the two rocked our world!! It was an incredible evening but Alea and I both agree that the best part of the day was simply spending time with Claire and Robert. These super special people were so genuine and wonderful that we couldn’t help but love every moment of the day. From seeing Claire love on her friends and family while she was getting ready, to Robert oh so gently smushing cake on the tip of Claire’s nose:) We couldn’t have asked for anything more!
Claire and Robert, Spending the day with the two of you was such a great way for us to start our wedding season!! Thank you so much for choosing us to share this amazing day with you and we are so excited to share some of our favorite photos with you!! Prepare yourself though :):) There are a lot!!!
Kim & Alea
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