We consider Baby Austin one of our babies :):) When mom and dad are one of our couples, their babies are automatically ours too 🙂 hehe… Priscilla and Jay just had their 3 year wedding anniversary in June and we’ve seen them every single year since their wedding. They are one of the sweetest couples we know and we were overjoyed when they told us a little baby was on the way!! Baby Austin was born on June 16 at 9:45pm weighing 7lbs 13.2 oz and was 21 1/4 inches long. He was a super sweet little man on the day I met him and I’m so excited to watch him grow!
Priscilla & Jay, We are so happy for the two of you! Your family is even more beautiful with your new little addition and we are so happy to share this awesome time with you all!! Snuggle that baby 🙂

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