It’s been a lot of fun around the AMP camp!! We have LOTS of goodies to share over the next few weeks and have a game plan to fit it all in. We’re not leaving a thing out 🙂 and Alea and I might even have enough time to stuff our faces with some really yummy trick or treat candy…… Actually I can promise that!
Today, the first family on our list is the Schoen’s! I got to spend the afternoon with them as they were still unpacking their house!! They just moved into this gingerbread house 🙂 and I was so excited to be able to document the whole thing. Well not all the boxes 🙂 but definitely the excitment of their family in a brand new place.
Schoen’s, We’re so glad your back in Atlanta :):) I wish you lots of fun new memories in your new home and lots of fun photos!!! Hope you enjoy these as the first set!
Happy day,

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