Dowling Family | Atlanta Lifestyle Photographers

Hi Friends, 

These are my sweet friends the Dowlings. All of my family is up in NC, so how incredibly thankful I am for these amazing friends we get to call our GA family. They are the people who help us do life. The everyday things like share in carpooling, making dinners for each other, celebrate holidays with, take trips with. We both have four wonderful little ones, and our kids are all very close in age, so it is such a blessing to share very similar stages of life with our friends who live down the road. 

 We have had a front seat into their lives, and for the last few years, I can say we have watched them go through an indescribable amount sickness. More than the usual set of unhealthy days, and without divulging too much of their personal story, there were plenty of times where they had every reason to be angry at God. But, during that time, where it would have been so easy to give up, how in awe I was to watch this family remain so faithful. They looked to God through every step, and laid their burdens at His feet and had joy. I know God was wrapping His arms around them, standing by them as He allowed their story to unfold. And though, i know it wasn’t easy, it allowed for the abundant overflow of love and hope that springs from bad situations. And today of all days, the next three days, we are remembering the day a man surrendered His life, the greatest act of love in the history of the world. The death and life of our savior Jesus Christ. And how thankful I am to share these sweet photos of joy. Because to me they are a reminder that He didn’t give His life for perfect people. He died for broken people like me, like all of us, so we could have new life. How His amazing grace can turn the most broken pieces into something beautiful. and I can see that in the hugs and smiles and joy and love and laughter and the crazy beautiful mess from this faithful family, God wins.

“Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the Glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” – Romans 6:4

Much joy and happy easter, 


  1. Carrie says:

    Oh I really love this Alea! So many beautiful images!

  2. Diane Kramer says:

    Jake is my nephew…thank you for your gift of expression and sharing. Your photos, of some of my favorite people, are excellent, beautiful, and filled with love. Your gift is not only in your photos but your writing as well. Blessings and Happy Easter.

  3. Molly Evans says:

    These are SO great, Alea and Kim!!!

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"I am beginning to learn that it is the
sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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