Hi Friends!
Oh, man, rain, rain, rain. This has been the year for rain. And though, I am appreciating a wonderful cozy day inside, this rain is really putting a damper on this photographers plans. Having to reschedule and then reschedule, during an already incredibly busy time, it absolutely my least favorite thing. But, my favorite thing is getting to do beautifully lit portraits where the sun is just smiling on everyone. 🙂
My sweet Vogt family was lucky enough to have a sunfilled day, and when we went to our session spot we were expecting tall wheat grass but got there to all the grass turned into Haybales, which was perfectly Fall and wonderful and made my day with this adorable little family.
Vogts, thanks for the adventure and the trek through atlanta traffic. As always, I had a blast, and have loved watching little Brantley grow over this last year. I hope you enjoy these sweet photos.
Much joy!
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