Hi there!! We hope all of you are safe and sound from all the wild winds last night and are enjoying a nice mid morning cup of joe! I’m sitting here wishing I had one too while feeling excited to share this family. The Smith’s have been one of those families that we’ve had the privilege of seeing a lot over this past year. Mainly because of their little guy growing so big over the last several months and also we’re just positive that they love me and Alea :):)
I know that all children are just wonderful and I wouldn’t mind at all having a little girl, but I do have a super special place in my heart for little boys. I’m sure it’s because it’s all I know 🙂 but man, #littleboysarethebest!!! Grant gave me a run for my money for his 1 year session!! He is definitely on the move these days and had no interest at all in my silly faces and bad singing!! He’s a doll though and his mom and dad couldn’t be any luckier 🙂
Smith family, I’m sure I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again, but wow!! It’s really been a year?! We’ve loved watching your little guy over the past months and just adore your family. Thank you for inviting us into your family and hope to see a lot more of you over the years!!

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