Holcomb Family

Today’s going to be a good day 🙂 Wanna know why?? LOTS OF PHOTOS!!!!! This morning, I’m excited to share this sweet family! The Holcomb’s are friends of our friends (if that makes since) and we are so happy that they are now our friends too!!! I had a super fun morning with them all and loved every minute of it!! Lots of energy and lots of laughs :):) and I definitely got my workout in for the day!! haha!! Good thing I had my morning coffee!!!
Holcomb family,
Yay!!! Your blog is up!! I know you’ve all been anxiously awaiting it 🙂 and I hope it totally makes your day!!! Thank you so much for being such a happy family!! You totally made my day!!


  1. Priscilla says:

    These photos are so cute!! I love the bottom of the shoes photo – so adorable!

  2. Katy McG says:

    These turned out super cute! Love the colors and the SHOES – great idea! I can’t believe how BIG Bray is (he used to be my little bald headed buddy in the WLWeekday baby room!). Great job, Kimmy 😀

  3. Ashley Nolan says:

    Rachel-these are adorable! I love them all!

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"I am beginning to learn that it is the
sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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