The Wasserman Girls

It’s all about the girls today! I think it’s perfectly fine to leave the boys out on their own every once and a while to have a girls day out. Little Juliet and her big sister Sam got to play all afternoon on one of the prettiest winter days yet. They made sure to wear lots of pink, a little fur and even some leopard print in honor of their girls day out and definitely were sweet as pie for all their photos!! It was a pretty fun time!!
Wasserman girls, I had so much fun spending some fun photo time with you ladies and I hope dad didn’t feel too left out!! Tell him he has to join in next time or you’ll make him wear pink shirts for a week :):)
Have a great weekend and enjoy your photos!!


  1. Cristine Santos says:

    Nossa essas fotos estão belíssimas. Parabéns!!!

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sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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