Egan Family

Happy Halloween everyone!! I hope all the little cowboys and princesses are out gathering up all the candy they could ever dream of! My personal favorites are sour patch kids with a side of Snickers 🙂 and I think I’ve had enough fun sizes to truly equal 4 full size bars!! But no one can say I haven’t enjoyed my Halloween!! It’s my little munchkin’s first Halloween and he decided on Clark Kent 🙂 and I can’t wait to share those blackmail photos to his first girlfriend :):) ADORABLE!!!!!
For a few fun photos to celebrate such a fantastic day, the Egan’s are my choice 🙂 We love our Egan family!!! They always deliver a fun filled shoot with lots of smiles, laughter and lots of running :):) Especially now that little Henry’s gotten used to his little running shoes!! As always, thank you and we love your awesome family!! Hope there was lots of sweets in your house this evening too and happy halloween!!!


  1. Fran Egan says:

    Thank you so much, Kim!! As usual you have amazed me with these pics! We love them!!

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"I am beginning to learn that it is the
sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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