It’s always a treat to get to spend a beautiful afternoon with a new family!! We have so many families that we get to see a lot (you know who you are 🙂 and it’s absolutely wonderful to see those friends but we also love making new friends!! The Parker family is one of our new families that we adore and are thrilled to share their sweet baby girl! Ava is just a few weeks older than Gavin so to see her doing such similar things that my little munchkin was doing really made me love her instantly!! She cracked me up with all her little faces and made me smile for an hour straight! She has definitely got her little personality 🙂
Daniel, Christy & Ava, I’m so happy we had such a beautiful day to capture your family! It was so worth the wait after all the rain and I loved hanging out with all of you!! Thank you so much for sharing your time with me and we hope to see you again very soon!!

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