Happy Easter Weekend!! I’m so excited to spend this beautiful weekend with my family. After all these years of just being a married couple, this is the first year that we get to do the fun stuff 🙂 Color Easter eggs and then hid them is crazy places, wait patiently for the Easter bunny to bring our baskets 🙂 dress in our Sunday best and spend the entire day with Gavin, teaching him all the real reasons we celebrate the day. This year he will just look at us with his curious eyes and laugh at us lot, but he’ll be all grown up soon enough so this year we’re just enjoying having an excuse to eat massive amounts of peeps!!
Before I let you all go enjoy your weekend though, I wanted to share that little Alexa turned 2 a week ago today! I’m sure her day was showered in a waterfall of pink and I even heard a rumor that she had a giant pink bouncy house for her and her friends to bounce the night away! It sounds like a pretty awesome way to spend a birthday and I loved that I got to spend the afternoon with her and mom & dad for some pre birthday fun! Happy birthday Alexa and I can’t wait to see you for #3!!
Happy Easter,

Kim, your never fail to amaze me!! You turn a cold windy day into a beautiful treasure!! This is why we keep coming back ! Thank you
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