Rhoads Family

Hi friends!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter weekend!! I am coming off of a weekend high as it was so much fun. As you know with our wedding weekends we don’t get very many weekends off, so when we do, I feel like I want to burst with all the things I want to do. House projects, family time, friends and more friends, and add in a holiday, wowza. My cup surely did runneth over! 
I feel refreshed and ready for Monday in all its Monday glory!
So, to start, I am so excited to share this sweet family with you!! I loved these photos mostly because of the simplicity of the session, but also of how stink’en adorable this family is!! 
And with a baby named Rigsby, you can imagine how cool they were! 
Rhoads! We loved meeting your whole family. What a precious little one you have! We imagine he will be a heartbreaker, so get ready!! Thanks again for welcoming us in your home, and hope you enjoy these sweet photos!
Much joy!

  1. SHARON PAIN says:

    Love, Love, LOVE all of these….and love you, too 🙂

  2. Adrienne Rhoads says:

    Alea and Kim, Thank you SO much!! These are perfect! I love the simplicity-That scrunchy forehead kills me every time; I’m so thankful there is a picture of it!!

  3. Fantastic!!!
    The last family picture in series says it all… priceless!
    Welcome to the family Rigsby 🙂
    Love, Oma & Opa

  4. Amanda says:

    Love the last pic of Rigsby yawning. So cute! And I like the one of him in the mini cradle laying under the Wrigley Field pic. Awesome!

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"I am beginning to learn that it is the
sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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