Li Family | Atlanta Family Photographer

Hi Friends!

 I have been feeling a lot lately that I should have a giant yellow tape strewn across my front door that says “under construction”with all the projects going on in the Moore household. Currently my husband is banging a hammer outside in my backyard, and hasn’t stopped banging that hammer since 9am. We have been trying to make our backyard a more usable and kid friendly environment which has been quite the feat with no level yard and a creek that runs through. Hence the hammering and leveling and digging. My second grader is finishing out the school year and working on end of school projects. I am still in disbelief that i have a second grader, soon to be third grader, and that she is big enough to do school projects. 
After much deliberation, we decided to turn our dining room to a playroom. Though I am a gal who loves to entertain, for as infrequent that room was being used, it started to feel like wasted space. Our hope is the girls are going to love the space way more than I think I loved my dining table and china display. On top of it all, my sweet little 10 month old has 4 teeth coming in and an ear infection in both of her ears.  Im loving all her extra snuggles, but just hate this for her. All things my friends and I refer to as first world problems, but not to dismiss all that we have going on. Plus, Kim and I have 3 big projects and some fun re-branding happening all at once tagged on to wedding season. All that said, I am praising God for all of these blessings. Allowing me to live this life I am living, and an abundant life at that. 
I could go on and on, but instead how about some lovely images? 

I was so excited to get to see this sweet family again, and spend a gorgeous afternoon at the atlanta botanical gardens with them. Harrison and Vivi are just the most adorable set of twins I think I have ever met. 
Li family! What an adventure. 😉 I feel it was completely worth it, and hope you just love these sweet images of your growing babies!

Much joy!


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"I am beginning to learn that it is the
sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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