Page + Jon | Atlanta Wedding Photographers

Hi Friends

This summer has really been a blast. We have had so many wonderful couples and their hearts have blessed us so much. Each wedding has been completely unique from the one before. Even if they were in the same venues, it has been fun to watch how each couples style has shown through. 

Page and Jon’s wedding was certainly them from beginning to end. Their gorgeous church service to just an off the charts fun reception at the Capital City Club. Just a few highlights I loved the colors, the bridesmaids adorable dresses, the guest appearance from Buzz, and my favorite detail, the infamous King of Pops who set up their cart and fabulous rainbow umbrella right in the middle of capital city’s beautiful ballroom. it was pretty amazing. 

My favorite part of the day was Page wore her mom’s wedding gown with a few small changes. I thought it was such a beautiful piece, and incredibly special between mom and daughter. 

Page and Jon, we loved your wedding day and we absolutely loved you both. Your hearts are on your sleeves and how you love each other is inspiring. thank you for the privilege to experience the loveliest of days. 

Much joy!


  1. Page Gilliam says:

    Y’all did such an amazing job. Thank you so much! So thankful we chose y’all! Thank you!!

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