Gordon Family

Happy Monday to all of you!!! We had a fantastic weekend in North Carolina and we absolutely can not wait to share the photos from the wedding! Hannah and Chas planned an incredibly romantic day to celebrate their life and love and there was tons of photos to be taken 🙂 We promise to share more later :):) but for now…. we are celebrating the end of AMP trivia week! On Friday we asked the very hard question…. How many weddings have we blogged about since our very first blog
post in September 2007?

We had lots of very good guesses but no bulls eye! So we’re giving you one more day! If you can answer Friday’s trivia question correctly you will win a free session with us!!! We want so badly to hang out with you :):) Just email us your answer to info@aleamoore.com!!

We also want to say CONGRATULATIONS to iwishiwasaphotoninjalikeyouguys!!!!! She is our winner for the funniest blogstalker name! We actually can’t reveal her true identity but we can share her fabulous wedding with you all again 🙂 And we can’t wait for her to choose her favorite wedding photo for her awesome CANVAS PRINT!!! Whoohoo!! I love prizes 🙂

Thanks so much for all of you playing our silly games and we can’t wait to see who wins Friday’s question!!!

And for your photo pleasure,…. I give you the sweet Gordon Family!


  1. shari says:

    So cute! Can’t wait to see the rest. Thanks Kim!

  2. danielle says:

    Look at those cheeks!!! So cute:)

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"I am beginning to learn that it is the
sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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