Annabeth is One!

My favorite thing to ask new parents at the one year mark 🙂 is what has surprised them the most about having a baby. I know what I have felt in this first year of motherhood but I’m always curious if I’m missing anything 🙂 I get all kinds of answers! How different their lives are, how sweet and loving their baby is, how they never thought they could run on so little sleep! I asked the same question to Shannon and Lindy and I got my favorite answer ever 🙂 Shannon said to me that she never thought she could love so much. The amount of love that these two awesome people feel for that little girl was so big and visible to me and I am so happy to have been a part of Annabeth’s first year. 
Annabeth, Happy birthday!! I have a feeling that you are having the best birthday month ever :):) Don’t grow up too fast and be sure to always be sweet to your mamas 🙂 
Happy Monday!


  1. Lindy and Shannon says:

    Kim, these are so beautiful! We are truly grateful that we met you guys. You’ve done a spectacular job of capturing our sweetheart. 🙂 Thank you!!! ~L&S

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"I am beginning to learn that it is the
sweet, simple things of life which
are the real ones after all.
-laura ingalls wilder 

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