Hi Friends!!
I am going to go right out and say that I am a very blessed lady because of all my amazing friends. I have to say, I have some of the most caring, talented, world aware, God fearing, amazing moms, hold your hand through the hard stuff, make you laugh till you cry, generous, forgive you when you are having a crazy moments, genuine and loving friends. I have the type of friends that while I was out of town, came into my house, and did our entire household of laundry (thats SIX people worth!) I am often blown away by being inspired and challenged by each and every one of them.
One of the coolest things for me as a photographer is being allowed to photograph my friends. That they would allow me to capture their family how I see them. It really is such a special privilege. I am so excited to share my sweet friend Joni and her two adorable girls. On this morning, we got to laugh, read, and eat snacks while I snapped a few snippets of the fun we were having and I got to sneak in a few of the girl’s rooms that Joni has so beautifully put her heart in to. She is just so talented and everything she touches turns to gold. If any of you are thinking about designing a room for your children, it is a MUST that you visit Joni’s blog
laybabylay. It is such a unique and clever blog full of all the things baby!!! You WILL be inspired!
Joni, thank you for that fun morning!! I loved spending time with just you all to myself. 😉 I hope you enjoy this glimpse into such a sweet time of your life.
Much joy,

Gorgeous photos, gorgeous rooms, gorgeous Lay girls!!! You captured some awesome moments, Alea!
Love! Gorgeous photographs friend! Two brilliant worlds combine here. And beautiful ladies obviously!
An extremely talented photographer has perfectly captured three beautiful girls that I cherish. I think I must just glow as I view them!
Absolutely lovely photos! Looks like such a fun day was had by all, and the moments you captured with your photos are sure to be cherished for years to come!
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